Pushing Art is a sculptural rendition of a hot dog cart/newspaper stand converted into a mobile gallery space. The work stemmed from a photograph of a vendor’s cart parked in front of the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. The projected video inside the cart depicts cells of the comic book documentation of adventures with a virtual avatar in Second Life, as well as found images and photographic work. This mobile photographic sculpture brings virtual reality into live reality. In this installation, digital collage is integrated into comix style documentation and interactive performance as a means to break photographic norms and push outside the static walls of the art gallery. Pushing Art was displayed in the evenings on a pedestrian street in Toronto, Canada. The position of the work outside literally makes it ‘outsider’ art, as the art-cart is pushed to a local video store, restaurant, and record shop. While parked at these locations, the work emits an enticing colourful light.

Pushing Art is a sculptural rendition of a hot dog cart/newspaper stand converted into a mobile gallery space. The work stemmed from a photograph of a vendor’s cart parked in front of the Museum of Modern Art, New York City. The projected video inside the cart depicts cells of the comic book documentation of adventures with a virtual avatar in Second Life, as well as found images and photographic work. This mobile photographic sculpture brings virtual reality into live reality. In this installation, digital collage is integrated into comix style documentation and interactive performance as a means to break photographic norms and push outside the static walls of the art gallery. Pushing Art was displayed in the evenings on a pedestrian street in Toronto, Canada. The position of the work outside literally makes it ‘outsider’ art, as the art-cart is pushed to a local video store, restaurant, and record shop. While parked at these locations, the work emits an enticing colourful light.