Gift is an installation of 80 hung heritage quilts with 16 channels of sound. Heard through the speakers hidden behind the quilts are the voices of quilters talking about why they give their quilts as gifts rather than selling through the market economy. The texture and quality of voices not normally heard (typically older women), is a defining aspect of this piece. Their thoughts meander and stray—fragmented by interruptions and reminisces. Gift is a patchwork quilt in sound.
Voice Composition: Martin Deller
Quilts from the collection of Jeffrey Alford
Corinne Anderton, Maureen Bardusk, Maria Becker, Marilyn Brunner, Chris Caddy, Lois Carter, Mary Corcoran, Betsie Downie, Eileen Ford, Ellen Fox, Lynda Jensen, Jill Lorenz, Betty Lou Minaker, Elizabeth Plumtree, Janet Read, Alison Seale, Mary Taylor, Mary Vansen, Debbie Williams, Dorothy Winter, June Wolford

Gift is an installation of 80 hung heritage quilts with 16 channels of sound. Heard through the speakers hidden behind the quilts are the voices of quilters talking about why they give their quilts as gifts rather than selling through the market economy. The texture and quality of voices not normally heard (typically older women), is a defining aspect of this piece. Their thoughts meander and stray—fragmented by interruptions and reminisces. Gift is a patchwork quilt in sound.
Voice Composition: Martin Deller
Quilts from the collection of Jeffrey Alford
Corinne Anderton, Maureen Bardusk, Maria Becker, Marilyn Brunner, Chris Caddy, Lois Carter, Mary Corcoran, Betsie Downie, Eileen Ford, Ellen Fox, Lynda Jensen, Jill Lorenz, Betty Lou Minaker, Elizabeth Plumtree, Janet Read, Alison Seale, Mary Taylor, Mary Vansen, Debbie Williams, Dorothy Winter, June Wolford